Restaurant Software
It is the best accounting program for managing restaurants and cafes
since it has many features that make it the best choice for you, besides
the use of touch screens to provide quick service to customers, with
the possibility of calculating meal costs, setting powers for users
(cashiers staff and others), integrated customer management, and
support the system of (Delivery – Hall – Tables)

Brilliant software has convenient working interfaces that help you work
on the program for long hours without feeling exhausted.
Defining more than one store, and defining materials and link them to
the specific store.
The program contains a takeaway system – delivery – hall and is also
considered one of the most powerful programs that bear the stress of
numerous data received from customers, their requests and invoices.
A screen for kitchen orders and transfer cashier requests automatically
to it.
Calculate the cost of each item and measure profit.
Easiness of entering table invoices, moving between them and
distinguishing the respective table by color
Using a printer for each restaurant section.
Strict confidentiality in closing each shift in the name of the
administrator and a full report on what the user has done in the shift.
The possibility to linking sales of all kinds to the name of the
employee who performed the service and linking them to sales
Email features where you can send a message to the customer’s
email, and printing the invoice and know its items and value in detail.