Brilliant ERP for Pharmacies Management

Brilliant ERP is an integrated and multi-option system that organizes and manages pharmacy affairs. It provides an easy environment to handle accounting and administration work, to facilitate administration of accounting, sales and staff affairs. It is suitable for all pharmacies of different sizes

ERP for Pharmacies Management
ERP for Pharmacies Management
ERP for Pharmacies Management
  • Easy and freindly interface for comfortable working
  • Full protection and mainteneance for all the pharmacy files and data
  • Cloud or local storage system to protect and secure the pharmacy data
  • Periodic and automatic backup and recovery system at the occurence of any error
  • The system is available in more than one language, the most important of which are Arabic and English
  • The system works on all desktop and mobile devices
  • Supports the Emirates ID
  • The system supprots sending SMS and email messages directly from the program
  • The program contains a profrssional system for distributing powers in respect of all parts of the program to all of the program users
  • Full support of exporting and importing files and reports with ease
  • Printing and exporting reports in more than one format including EXCEL, Pdf, etc.
  • The system is fast and works very efficiently under pressure
  • Processing huge amounts of data and storing it in an encrypted form
  • Professional technical support is available all the time
  • Online opdate to obtain the latest version of the program

Special sections in the pharmacy management system

Customers and Sales

The Brilliant Soft program enables you to establish a complete management of the sales cycle within your establishment, starting from recording an item receipt request to find out the existing thererof in stores, then issuing a sale order of the available items in the establishment, and then to issue sale orders to customers through providing sales invoices of all kinds and forms, whether thet are sales invoices for goods or services, with the possibility of charging such sales with some of the expenses spent on them.  This system is directly linked to the system of general accounts, stores and receivables

Customers and Sales
  • Building a complete directory of customer history and data contained in a tree form
  • The credit limit and customer relationship to deductions and taxes
  • Build a complete guide for sales representatives and supervisors while determining how to calculate the representative’s commission.
  • A report of debt ages (invoices – accounts).
  • Setting a minimum and maximum sale price for the item
  • Developing a gift policy (bonus) for items sold to be disbursed automatically upon sale
  • Adding taxes and deductions on invoices automatically or manually
  • Linking customer to a price segment and dividing customers into areas and linking customers to representatives
  • Compare customer withdrawals (daily, weekly, monthly and annually)

POS management

With Brilliant Point of Sale program, it becomes easier to follow up your business with minimal effort and less time, as more than one point of sale can be added with the possibility of linking between them. It is a POS program that contains also full support for all barcode systems and a complete protection system for your databases and maintenance of the same

  • Open more than one cashier screen at the same time
  • Dealing with visa, cash, bank transfers and the possibility of making forward sale
  • Complete the sale without using the mouse
  • Control the powers given to a cashier
  • Search easily for items by manual typing
  • Find out the item’s balance during the sale
  • Control the discount rate provided to the customer
  • Selling using customer points
  • Using alternative items for the item to be sold
  • Screen shortcuts to facilitate the entry
  • Find out the customer’s balance during the sale
  • Using VAT
  • Full support of barcode reader
  • The ability to design barcodes as you like
  • Barcode printing for a range of items
  • Printing barcodes from purchase and sale invoices
  • Integration with the drug tracking system, and RSD integration monitoring
  • Using loyalty points for customers as points are determined as per the sales process and could be used in the payment process
  • Inerting products with their expiration date and carrying out the sale process according to the expiration date of each product
  • Making reports of the expiration date of products and quantities according to the expiration date
  • Closing sales on a daily basis according to each seller and printing a summary of the closure process containing the sales summary and the possibility of sending the closure by email.

Purchases and suppliers

Through Brilliant soft program, you can fully manage the purchasing cycle in the establishment, starting from registering an order to release the items to know the existant thereof in stores and then issuing an order to purchase items that are not available in the establishment, to the issuance of purchase orders to suppliers through providing invoices of purchases of all types and forms whether they are are invoices for purchases for goods or services, with the possibility of charging such purchases with some of the expenses spent on them.  This system is directly linked to the system of general accounts, stores and payments

Purchases and suppliers
  • Record all suppliers’ information: Phones – Address… etc))
  • Setting the maximum limit for the supplier’s account (the program gives a warning message when such limit is exceeded). It is possible to sell to the supplier, it is also possible to determine the price and the type of discount he deals with
  • Linking the supplier to the accounts tree
  • Cash payment methods (Fawry – Visa – MasterCard)
  • List of all items, sorted by code/description
  • The possibility of adjusting the purchase price in the item card based on invoice prices
  • The ability to pay cash/ by cheque from the invoice and linking the purchase invoices and returns to the purchase order. The possibility to receive a full order (the rest of it) in one payment with the date of receipt of the order
  • A brief and detailed account statement for each supplier account
  • Notices of orders that are close to the date of receipt

Manage the pharmacy stores

With Brilliant Software, the process of managing stores and warehouses becomes simple and you can control it in an automated and flexible way. Through Brilliant, you will manage stores by entering items in a multi-branched tree system by dividing items that have the same characteristics into groups, making the process of searching in stores easier than ever.

pharmacy stores erp software
  • The ability to determine different prices for the material (such as cost price – average price – selling price – total price)
  • Dealing with an unlimited number of stores and warehouses and creating entries according to the stock exchange policy, whether periodic or continuous inventory.
  • Making an inventory of items in the store to determine the difference between the actual and book values at the level of quantity and value.
  • ü Transferring items between different warehouses.
  • Adding special properties to the item and controlling it, for example: Color and size. Infinite definition of different units of measurement, linking the item to a basic unit of measurement and other subunits such as (quantity, weight and volume) to be added and dispensed by either of them.
  • Designing and printing quotations, invoices, purchase orders and delivery orders. Designing and printing barcode with full support for items barcode and use it when adding, disbursing, selling and buying.
  • Linking with the Public Accounts program (Continuous Inventory – Periodic Inventory).
  • Direct transfer (disburse from the transferred-from store – addition to the transferred-to store directly)